
Welcome to Sinopsis, an advanced analytics platform designed to provide detailed insights and optimization opportunities for AI chatbots. Our platform offers seamless integration via a Python SDK, automatic logging of every interaction, and an intuitive dashboard for comprehensive insights.

This documentation will guide you through the integration process, usage, and various features of Sinopsis, ensuring you get the most out of our platform. Whether you're a developer, data scientist, or business analyst, this guide is tailored to help you effectively leverage Sinopsis for your AI chatbot analytics.

To get started with Sinopsis, follow the quick integration steps using our Python SDK and start logging interactions within minutes.

For any questions or support, please contact our team at


Welcome to the Sinopsis Quickstart guide! This section will help you get up and running with Sinopsis in just a few minutes. Follow these simple steps to integrate our Python SDK, start logging interactions, and gain valuable insights into your AI chatbot.

Step 1: Installation

First, you need to install the Sinopsis Python SDK. You can do this using pip:

    pip install sinopsis-ai

Step 2: Initialization

After installing the SDK, you need to initialize it in your project. Import the SDK and configure it with your API key:

    # Import the SDK
    from sinopsis_ai import SinopsisAI
    # Initialize Sinopsis with your API key
    sinopsis = SinopsisAI(api_key='your_api_key_here',

Step 3: Logging Interactions

With the SDK initialized, you can start logging interactions. Here’s a simple example of how to log an interaction:

    # Get a user prompt
    prompt = 'Hello, how are you doing today?'
    # Log the user prompt 
    # Initiate your chatbot
    client = OpenAI(api_key='your_open_ai_key_here')
    # Get a response from your chatbot
    completion =
            {"role": "user", "content": prompt}
    # Extract text from the response
    response = completion.choices[0].message.content
    # Log the chatbot response

That’s it! You’ve successfully integrated Sinopsis into your project and started logging interactions. You can now access the Sinopsis dashboard to view detailed analytics, insights, and optimization opportunities for your AI chatbot.

Step 4: Viewing the Dashboard

Once interactions are logged, you can view them in the Sinopsis dashboard. The dashboard provides comprehensive insights and allows you to optimize your AI chatbot's performance.

1. Go to the Sinopsis portal and log in with your credentials.

2. Navigate to the 'Dashboard' section to view analytics, trends, and optimization suggestions.

3. Use the Conversations List to track all conversations effortlessly

4. Dive into the Conversation Detail view for an in-depth analysis of individual interactions.

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues during the integration process or have questions about Sinopsis AI, feel free to reach out to our support team at


The Sinopsis Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of all your AI chatbot interactions. It is designed to give you quick access to key metrics and insights, helping you to monitor and optimize your chatbot's performance effectively.

Accessing the Dashboard

To access the dashboard, log in to the Sinopsis portal with your credentials. Once logged in, navigate to the Dashboard tab from the main menu.

Key Features

  • Overview: The main page of the dashboard provides a high-level summary of your chatbot interactions, including total messages, active users, and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Conversation List: A detailed list of all chatbot conversations, sortable and filterable by date, user, and other parameters. This helps you quickly find specific interactions.
  • Conversation Detail: Drill down into individual conversations to see detailed logs of user interactions. This includes timestamps, user messages, and bot responses.
  • Analytics: Graphs and charts that visualize interaction data over time, helping you to identify trends and patterns.
  • Export Data: Export your interaction data in various formats (CSV, JSON) for further analysis or reporting.

Using the Dashboard

The Dashboard is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. Here are some tips on how to use the key features:

  • Filtering Conversations: Use the filter options to narrow down the conversation list based on specific criteria such as date range, user ID, or interaction type.
  • Viewing Details: Click on any conversation in the list to view its details. This will open the Conversation Detail view, where you can see each message exchanged during the interaction.
  • Analyzing Data: Use the Analytics section to view charts and graphs. You can customize the date range and metrics to get the most relevant insights for your needs.
  • Exporting Data: Click on the export button to download your interaction data. Choose the desired format and specify any filters to export only the data you need.

Tips for Optimization

Leverage the insights provided by the dashboard to optimize your chatbot:

  • Identify frequently asked questions and ensure your chatbot has accurate, helpful responses prepared.
  • Analyze response times and work on reducing any delays to improve user experience.
  • Monitor user satisfaction scores and feedback to continuously improve your chatbot's performance.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance with the Dashboard, please contact our support team at

Python SDK Overview

The Sinopsis Python SDK allows you to seamlessly integrate your AI chatbot with the Sinopsis platform. This SDK provides a simple interface to log interactions, track performance, and gain valuable insights through the Sinopsis dashboard.


  • Easy Integration: Quickly integrate the SDK into your existing chatbot application with minimal code changes.
  • Interaction Logging: Automatically log every interaction between users and your chatbot for detailed analysis.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Monitor your chatbot’s performance in real-time through the Sinopsis dashboard.
  • Customizable: Tailor the SDK to fit your specific use cases and requirements.

Getting Started

To get started with the Sinopsis Python SDK, follow these steps:

  1. Install the SDK: Use pip to install the SDK in your Python environment.
        pip install sinopsis-ai
  3. Initialize the SDK: Import the SDK and initialize it with your API key and other required parameters.
        # Import the SDK
        from sinopsis_ai import SinopsisAI
        # Initialize Sinopsis with your API key
        sinopsis = SinopsisAI(api_key='your_api_key_here',
  5. Log Interactions: Use the SDK to log interactions between users and your chatbot.
        # Get a user prompt
        prompt = 'Hello, how are you doing today?'
        # Log the user prompt 
        # Initiate your chatbot
        client = OpenAI(api_key='your_open_ai_key_here')
        # Get a response from your chatbot
        completion =
                {"role": "user", "content": prompt}
        # Extract text from the response
        response = completion.choices[0].message.content
        # Log the chatbot response


The Sinopsis Python SDK offers several configuration options to customize its behavior. You can configure these settings during the initialization:

    sinopsis = SinopsisAI(api_key='your_api_key_here',


Stay updated with the latest changes, improvements, and bug fixes for the Sinopsis platform. Below is a chronological list of updates:

Version 0.1.0 - 2024-06-01

  • Initial release of the Sinopsis platform
  • Core features: interaction logging, real-time monitoring, and analytics dashboard
  • Basic support for Python SDK integration
  • Initial set of metrics and visualizations for chatbot performance


Need help or have questions? Our support team is here to assist you. Here are the various ways you can reach out to us:

Contact Us

If you have any technical issues or inquiries, please email us at


Explore our comprehensive documentation for detailed guides, API references, and best practices. Start here: Documentation Overview.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Check out our FAQ section for quick answers to common questions: FAQ.

Code Samples

Here are some code samples to help you get started with the Sinopsis Python SDK. These examples cover common use cases and demonstrate how to integrate the SDK into your chatbot application.

Basic Interaction Logging

    # Import the SDK
    from sinopsis_ai import SinopsisAI
    # Initialize Sinopsis with your API key
    sinopsis = SinopsisAI(api_key='your_api_key_here',
    # Get a user prompt
    prompt = 'Hello, how are you doing today?'
    # Log the user prompt 
    # Initiate your chatbot
    client = OpenAI(api_key='your_open_ai_key_here')
    # Get a response from your chatbot
    completion =
                    {"role": "user", "content": prompt}
    # Extract text from the response
    response = completion.choices[0].message.content
    # Log the chatbot response