Bringing your chatbot analytics to the next level shouldn't be a hassle. Yet, building a robust analytics platform from scratch can drain both time and resources. The common challenges are all too familiar:

  • You spend weeks crafting a custom analytics tool, only to discover it's missing key features.
  • You hire a data engineer, shelling out significant money, only to endure endless iterations.
  • Or worse, you skip the analytics step entirely, missing out on crucial insights that could elevate your chatbot’s performance.

That’s why we created Sinopsis AI, a powerful analytics platform specifically designed for AI chatbots. With Sinopsis AI, you can save time and money while gaining deep insights into your chatbot’s interactions.

  • Quick Integration: Connect Sinopsis AI with your chatbot in just minutes, and start tracking and analyzing conversations right away.
  • Actionable Insights: Receive tailored recommendations to optimize your chatbot for better user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Personalize metrics and dashboards to suit your specific needs, giving you full control over your data.
  • Effortless Data Export: Share insights with your team and stakeholders through easy data and report exports.

With Sinopsis AI, you’ll save valuable time and resources, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—enhancing your chatbot’s performance instead of building an analytics solution from scratch.